Helping You To Find Rest In A Restless World
Through Mindful Movement, Restorative Practice, and Resonant Sound

Ease physical tension. By exploring where and how we hold patterns of tension in our body, we can create the conditions for letting go.

Support the body. Using props to gently hold our physical body, we can experience being held to welcome deeper rest.

Bathe in sound. Sound can bypass our judging mind and barriers to rest. Helping us to reconnect with our innate lifeforce and the capacity to love and rest.
Not forcing. Not performing. Just the space to be exactly as you are.

Cultivating Rest with Busy Souls
In our overstimulated world, many of us spend our days on constant alert. The echoes of stress, both recent and old, can make slowing down feel surprisingly difficult - even when we feel exhausted. It is a common paradox: those who most need rest often find it the hardest to access. We may carry patterns that make settling feel unfamiliar or even uncomfortable. Yet within each of us lies the natural capacity to restore and renew. Feeling tired yet wired is a complex experience that can be challenging to address alone.
Whether you are new to yoga or seeking a gentler practice, together we can explore pathways that honour your unique needs. Some of us need strong movement before we can settle, while others welcome immediate stillness. Through mindful movement, restorative holds, and beautiful sounds, you can discover your own rhythm for settling.

"Feeling real is more than existing; it is finding a way to exist as oneself... and to have a self into which to retreat for relaxation." — D.W. Winnicott